How To Spot A Real Or A Fake Diamond

If you want to check that the diamond ring given to you as a gift is genuine, or you are purchasing a diamond ring and want to check its authenticity, there are a few simple tests you can do to put your mind at rest.

How To Spot A Real Or A Fake Diamond

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First of all, it is worth noting that 99.9% of real diamonds have tiny imperfections, which is what makes each one special and unique, and fake diamonds are usually perfect!


To check for imperfections, you will need a 10x magnifying glass, or a professional loupe. Using the enlarging lens on the highest setting, check the stone for black spots, fractures and air bubbles. This can be quite difficult if you don’t know what you’re looking for and so it may be worth getting a second opinion.

The finish

Another thing to look out for is the finish of the diamond. Real diamonds … READ MORE

As we are approaching the beginning of October before you know it Christmas will be here. It seems to come faster and faster every year. I don’t like scrambling at the last moment buying gifts so I am going to go ahead and start my shopping now. I know my daughter wants a new laptop for Christmas as well as other electronics. I’m hoping to find some Cyber Monday laptop deals. If so, I know I can get her a better quality laptop as opposed to spending the same amount of money on a different day. It’s time to start my research and see what I can find.

I found this one particular website that shows who had the best deals last year and will be listing the best deals for this year as they become available. They also have a laptop buying guide to help you decide what … READ MORE

I wanted to get a gift for a friend that I had known for a long time. The first thing that came to mind when I thought of her was rhinestones. When I first met her, she told me about how much she loved rhinestones. I thought rhinestones were something that older people generally liked, but she was in love with them. That’s when I got the clever idea to get a rhinestone choker. My friend would be able to wear it with all of her outfits. When I went to the stores to find one, the stores either didn’t carry these kinds of chokers, or they were all sold out.

It seemed weird that some of the stores didn’t carry those types of chokers, and I wonder how the other ones were able to sell out of them. I guess there are other people who love rhinestones just as … READ MORE